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Showing posts from April, 2019

The Top 10 places in india to visit in summer 2019.

Summer is on and if you are planning for a holiday then you are at right place here i am going to guide you to the THE TOP 10 PLACES IN INDIA TO VISIT IN SUMMER 2019.  India is a place of diversity and if you are diversity lover then it is India WHICH IS BEST PLACE TO VISIT IN SUMMER.  This doesn't matter if you are living in India or living outside India as much you travel much more you will be familiar with Indian diversity in- language, religion, Dance, music, food and costumes it will be will differ from place to place. Although It is Hindi & English WHICH LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN IN MOST OF THE STATES IN INDIA.  So lets get started on our list. THE TOP 10 PLACES IN INDIA TO VISIT IN SUMMER 2019.   > First place in the list is- "Kullu Manali".   1 . KULLU MANALI - "KULLU MANALI" is at the top on THE MOST VISITED TOURIST PLACES IN INDIA. It is located in India's Northern Himachal Pradesh. Manali is collection of three adjacent hills.  The